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December 13, 2014
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Rick Peterson on Track Talk 12-13-14
Rick Peterson of The Topeka Capital-Journal joins the RacinBoys for "TrackTalk". Rick talks about Heartland Park Topeka being put up for sale, who has put their names in the application process to bu
December 6, 2014
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French Grimes joins the RacinBoys onTrackTalk 12-06-14
Founder of RaceSaver Sprint Series French Grimes joins the Racinboys on “Track Talk,†from the McCarthy Auto Group studio. Scott Traylor and Kirk Elliott talk to French Grimes about the series he
November 29, 2014
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Jerry Hoffman on TrackTalk 11-29-14
Jerry Hoffman Track Promoter/Car Builder on TrackTalk. Jerry Hoffman talks with the RacinBoys about his 8th annual Turkey Bowl race at Springfield Raceway.
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